
How to mount a game with daemon tools
How to mount a game with daemon tools

how to mount a game with daemon tools

If you want to find out the path, run CMD. This method works with other versions of Daemon tools, you just need to change the path to daemon tools. I've attached the example script in case anyone has troubles. This should give the effect of it being the original game. Press "Change Icon." and browse to your game directory and pick the game executable, then pick the icon you want and press OK twice. You should already be on the shortcut tab, otherwise, pick the shortcut tab.

how to mount a game with daemon tools

Right click this shortcut and press properties.

how to mount a game with daemon tools

If you want there to be a fancy icon still, make a shortcut to the. Once you've made these files and saved them wherever you choose, simply either double click them or create a shortcut to them to allow you to play your games. And to be saved under all files and then whatever you choose with. The scripts are to be written using notepad or another text editor( not microsoft word). Start "Zero Hour" "C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour\generals.exe" -quickstart - Here's another line that matters, this launches the game itself, the syntax is as follows start "Game title" "X:\pathtogame\game.exe" -argumentsĬls - Command Prompt windows close automatically when they've got nothing to display, this makes sure it happens Ping -n 2 localhost>NUL - This command makes the computer send two pings to itself, this is just to make it waste a second or two to let the image finish mounting Start "Zero Hour" "C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer(tm) Generals Zero Hour\generals.exe" -quickstartĬls off - This line is used to stop the commands echoing back in the window, always keep this line the same.Ĭ:\progra~1\daemon~2\daemon.exe -mount 0,"C:\Documents and Settings\Titcher\Desktop\MI-CNCTFD\MI-CNCTFD.mds" - This line is the one that matters, it opens Daemon Tools lite and mounts the mini-image, the format is as follows X:\pathtodaemontools\daemon.exe -mount drivenumber,"X:\pathtoimage\image.mds"Ĭls - This clears the terminal window, this is just to keep things clean C:\progra~1\daemon~2\daemon.exe -mount 0,"C:\Documents and Settings\Titcher\Desktop\MI-CNCTFD\MI-CNCTFD.mds"

How to mount a game with daemon tools